What can you do to make your bedroom pollen-free?
Published: 01/06/2023
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What can you do to make your bedroom pollen-free?
Anyone who is allergic to pollen will be familiar with symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, a runny nose or swollen eyes. For that reason, a lot of people who are allergic to pollen develop a prevention strategy and give up outdoor activities when the pollen count is at its highest. But are allergy sufferers safe from pollen indoors? Unfortunately not. We explain why you can’t even get away from pollen indoors and how you can protect yourself against pollen in the bedroom, especially during the night.
Pollen in the bedroom on bedding, furniture and curtains
The pollen count starts during the early months of the year when there is tree pollen – and later in the year grass and weed pollen – flying around in the air. It gets into your home when you open the windows for ventilation or we also bring it into the house ourselves as pollen sticks stubbornly to our clothes and hair. In the night, the pollen is wafted around by the movements we make while we are asleep. You breathe in the air that is full of pollen and it can cause many a sleepless night. Allergy sufferers are not spared hay fever symptoms during the day either and fatigue, feeling unwell and difficulty breathing can affect your concentration. So it is all the more important for allergy sufferers to be able to get some proper rest during the night. We explain how you can alleviate your pollen allergy symptoms and take action against them in the bedroom.

How to make your bedroom pollen-free
What can you do to make your bedroom pollen-free? Ideally, you should wash your hair every night before going to bed otherwise any pollen in it will be deposited on your pillow for the most part. You should also not get changed in your bedroom and keep the clothes you take off somewhere else. Hygiene in bed is also particularly important for allergy sufferers. It helps to change your bedding more often than normal: allergy sufferers should change their bedding at least every two weeks and wash it at at least 60 degrees Celsius. Vacuuming regularly and absorbing moisture will also reduce the level of pollen in the room. Ideally, your vacuum cleaner should have a HEPA filter so that it doesn’t blow the pollen round the room. If you take these measures, you will notice that there is less pollen in your bedroom. So there are ways that you can combat hay fever and tackle problems sleeping.
The way you ventilate your home is also important for keeping pollen out as much as possible. But when is it best for allergy sufferers to open their windows?

Pollen allergy: when to carry out ventilation
Allergy sufferers should only open their windows for brief periods of intensive ventilation. Keeping windows tilted open all the time is an extremely bad idea.
If you are allergic to pollen and live in the country, it is best to ventilate your home after 7 o’clock in the evening when the pollen count in rural areas is at its lowest. Here, the pollen count is at its highest in the morning between 4 o’clock and 6 o’clock which is when allergy symptoms are at their worst. However if you live in the city, your pollen allergy symptoms will probably be at their worst in the evening. Here, you should ideally open your windows between 6 o’clock and 8 o’clock in the morning.
So you should adapt the way you ventilate your home according to where you live. The air is particularly pure after refreshing rain which will purify the air and remove any dust and pollen. So it makes good sense to ventilate your home after a shower of rain.
Why air purifiers are particularly suitable for people who are allergic to pollen
Devices with an air filter to purify the air are particularly useful. Before you can breathe it in, the air loaded with pollen is sucked in and purified air is emitted, significantly improving the quality of the climate in the bedroom. An air purifier can effectively help reduce allergy symptoms at night.
Another benefit of air purifiers is that they also remove other pollutants from the air such as house dust, bacteria and viruses. Overall, this can help you sleep better and feel fitter. Removing pollen, fine dust and house dust from the air noticeably improves well-being. When the air is clean, allergy sufferers feel fresher and more energetic. Purifying the air is an effective way of preventing and alleviating hay fever and helps create a new attitude towards life at home. Ideally, it can also mean no longer having to take medication.

George, Roger and co. provide clean air indoors when there is pollen around
Besides air purifiers, air washers can also reduce the pollen load in the air. An air washer like George from Stadler Form purifies and humidifies the air at the same time. Not only does he produce clean air but also the ideal indoor climate – to the delight of your mucous membranes and airways. So you will no longer have problems sleeping and your skin will not be as dry either. When using an air washer, it is important that you keep an eye on the current relative humidity as optimum humidity can also help alleviate allergy symptoms.
An air purifier filters polluted indoor air using powerful filters and emits the purified air back into the room. Roger from Stadler Form has HEPA and activated carbon filters and can be operated using an app which means that all his functions can be controlled while you’re out and about too. So you can be sure that the air will be clean when you get home. Roger’s sensitive sensors detect the level of pollen and particles in the air and if the level of pollution rises, Roger switches up his performance automatically.
Make your bedroom pollen-free and get rid of house dust and other allergens. Thanks to Roger, George and co., allergy sufferers can breathe easily again and sleep soundly.
Anyone who is allergic to pollen will be familiar with symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, a runny nose or swollen eyes. For that reason, a lot of people who are allergic to pollen develop a prevention strategy and give up outdoor activities when the pollen count is at its highest. But are allergy sufferers safe from pollen indoors? Unfortunately not. We explain why you can’t even get away from pollen indoors and how you can protect yourself against pollen in the bedroom, especially during the night.
Pollen in the bedroom on bedding, furniture and curtains
The pollen count starts during the early months of the year when there is tree pollen – and later in the year grass and weed pollen – flying around in the air. It gets into your home when you open the windows for ventilation or we also bring it into the house ourselves as pollen sticks stubbornly to our clothes and hair. In the night, the pollen is wafted around by the movements we make while we are asleep. You breathe in the air that is full of pollen and it can cause many a sleepless night. Allergy sufferers are not spared hay fever symptoms during the day either and fatigue, feeling unwell and difficulty breathing can affect your concentration. So it is all the more important for allergy sufferers to be able to get some proper rest during the night. We explain how you can alleviate your pollen allergy symptoms and take action against them in the bedroom.

How to make your bedroom pollen-free
What can you do to make your bedroom pollen-free? Ideally, you should wash your hair every night before going to bed otherwise any pollen in it will be deposited on your pillow for the most part. You should also not get changed in your bedroom and keep the clothes you take off somewhere else. Hygiene in bed is also particularly important for allergy sufferers. It helps to change your bedding more often than normal: allergy sufferers should change their bedding at least every two weeks and wash it at at least 60 degrees Celsius. Vacuuming regularly and absorbing moisture will also reduce the level of pollen in the room. Ideally, your vacuum cleaner should have a HEPA filter so that it doesn’t blow the pollen round the room. If you take these measures, you will notice that there is less pollen in your bedroom. So there are ways that you can combat hay fever and tackle problems sleeping.
The way you ventilate your home is also important for keeping pollen out as much as possible. But when is it best for allergy sufferers to open their windows?

Pollen allergy: when to carry out ventilation
Allergy sufferers should only open their windows for brief periods of intensive ventilation. Keeping windows tilted open all the time is an extremely bad idea.
If you are allergic to pollen and live in the country, it is best to ventilate your home after 7 o’clock in the evening when the pollen count in rural areas is at its lowest. Here, the pollen count is at its highest in the morning between 4 o’clock and 6 o’clock which is when allergy symptoms are at their worst. However if you live in the city, your pollen allergy symptoms will probably be at their worst in the evening. Here, you should ideally open your windows between 6 o’clock and 8 o’clock in the morning.
So you should adapt the way you ventilate your home according to where you live. The air is particularly pure after refreshing rain which will purify the air and remove any dust and pollen. So it makes good sense to ventilate your home after a shower of rain.
Why air purifiers are particularly suitable for people who are allergic to pollen
Devices with an air filter to purify the air are particularly useful. Before you can breathe it in, the air loaded with pollen is sucked in and purified air is emitted, significantly improving the quality of the climate in the bedroom. An air purifier can effectively help reduce allergy symptoms at night.
Another benefit of air purifiers is that they also remove other pollutants from the air such as house dust, bacteria and viruses. Overall, this can help you sleep better and feel fitter. Removing pollen, fine dust and house dust from the air noticeably improves well-being. When the air is clean, allergy sufferers feel fresher and more energetic. Purifying the air is an effective way of preventing and alleviating hay fever and helps create a new attitude towards life at home. Ideally, it can also mean no longer having to take medication.

George, Roger and co. provide clean air indoors when there is pollen around
Besides air purifiers, air washers can also reduce the pollen load in the air. An air washer like George from Stadler Form purifies and humidifies the air at the same time. Not only does he produce clean air but also the ideal indoor climate – to the delight of your mucous membranes and airways. So you will no longer have problems sleeping and your skin will not be as dry either. When using an air washer, it is important that you keep an eye on the current relative humidity as optimum humidity can also help alleviate allergy symptoms.
An air purifier filters polluted indoor air using powerful filters and emits the purified air back into the room. Roger from Stadler Form has HEPA and activated carbon filters and can be operated using an app which means that all his functions can be controlled while you’re out and about too. So you can be sure that the air will be clean when you get home. Roger’s sensitive sensors detect the level of pollen and particles in the air and if the level of pollution rises, Roger switches up his performance automatically.
Make your bedroom pollen-free and get rid of house dust and other allergens. Thanks to Roger, George and co., allergy sufferers can breathe easily again and sleep soundly.